MEDA Announces 2024 Award Winners

Lettuce, MEDA logo, Katie Stevens

 Baltimore, MD (February 08, 2024) – The Maryland Economic Development Association (MEDA) is pleased to announce the winners of the 2024 MEDA Awards. The MEDA Awards, sponsored by Miles & Stockbridge P.C., recognize the people, programs, and projects bringing economic prosperity to Maryland.

“Economic development enriches communities, creates opportunity, inspires innovation and collaboration, and truly transforms lives,” shares MEDA President Richard G. Griffin, CEcD. “Economic development is not one-size-fits-all for every community. MEDA embraces the annual opportunity to acknowledge organizations and individuals who grasp the unique needs of their community and actively contribute to the improved quality of life and overall community well-being.”

In the category of Economic Development Projects, private-sector entities are acknowledged for their contributions to economic development. The large community award has been granted to CFG Bank Arena, located in Baltimore, and nominated by the Baltimore Development Corporation. This recognition comes in light of the arena’s strategic renovation, which effectively balances historical preservation with contemporary amenities. Funded privately, this revitalization effort demonstrates a long-term commitment to downtown Baltimore and has led to an increase in employment opportunities. The small community award is presented to the Great Wolf Lodge in Perryville, Maryland, nominated by the Cecil County Office of Economic Development. The resort’s construction has opened up various career opportunities not previously available to some underserved sectors and has increased tourism and attraction numbers in the area.

Grain in handsThe Economic Development Program Award recognizes economic development entities for innovative programs that promote best practices. The large community award goes to the Frederick County Agricultural Innovation Grant Program, nominated by the Frederick County Office of Economic Development. This program offers crucial support to agricultural entrepreneurs, allowing them to expand or diversify their businesses. The Maryland Economic Development Corporation (MEDCO) received the small community award for its role in facilitating the construction of Secured Compartmentalized Information Facilities (SCIF) in Charles and St. Mary’s Counties. These facilities act as a catalyst in attracting investment, creating jobs, and building economic resiliency.

MEDA’s Economic Development Marketing Award recognizes an organization that achieved significant results from an economic development campaign. This year, Creando Exitos, an initiative aimed at empowering the Latino Business Community, is honored with this award. Recognized by the Prince George’s County Economic Development Corporation, this campaign focuses on eliminating language barriers, and ensuring that Latino business owners in Prince George’s County can access local, state, and federal government resources in their preferred language.

KatieThe MEDA Awards also recognize members who have contributed significantly to economic development. The 2024 MEDA Hall of Fame Award winner is John Wasilisin, the 2024 MEDA Rising Star Award is Katie Stevens, and the 2024 MEDA Volunteer of the Year is Karlys Kline.

The projects, programs, marketing initiatives, and individuals will be recognized during the MEDA Awards Banquet at the MEDA Annual Conference on April 22, 2024, at the Hyatt Regency in Cambridge, Maryland. To learn more, please visit

About MEDA

MEDA is a nonprofit organization of economic development professionals. Established in 1961, MEDA members promote the economic well-being of Maryland by working to improve the state’s business climate and the professionalism of those in the field of economic development.

MEDA’s membership includes economic development practitioners employed by the government, businesses, and chambers of commerce as well as other professionals with an interest in the economy of Maryland. Through its regular meetings, special programs, and projects, members address such diverse issues as local planning, workforce, transportation, international trade, tourism, and finance. To learn more about MEDA, visit


Mia Vaccaro